Joomla Beat Podcast | Web Design, Development, Online Marketing, Social Media & Website Management

Ep29 - Joomla Install Tips and CRM Interview with David Hurley



On this week's episode I have a beginners tip from Richard Pearce. He joins me on the show again to share a quick tip about installing Joomla onto your web server and mentions if sample data is useful or not.I also have a few news updates and few really cool things I just found on the website and had no idea about including how to sponsor Joomla!Lastly, I have David Hurley from Webspark who joins me for an interview to talking about one of his products called CRMery, a CRM extensions made for Joomla.Show NotesBeginners Tip with Richard Pearce - Installing Joomla the Quick and Easy WayRichard Pearce has been kind enough to have created a few videos as well to help beginners with the process of installing Joomla the ways he's described in this episode.Check them out on his YouTube Channel.Installing Joomla 3 using Softaculous: Joomla Upload: also mentioned to me after the chat that he's created a dedicated