Uncluttered Office with Catherine Avery

Focus Vs Attention, the Focus Crisis, and Flight Mode EP 156



Guest, Penny Zenker, talks about how focus can help our productivity, get strategic, and make little shifts in our mindset. She explains the difference between focus vs attention.  Then Catherine and Penny take a deep dive into how social media and the pandemic have affected our focus.  They also discuss how this can lead to a trauma response. Tune in to hear Penny answer the question, “Why are we in a focus crisis?” And how we can all become focusologists by taking back our focus on the areas that we can control and letting go of the things that we can't. About Penny Penny Zenker is a Focusologist, an international speaker, business strategy coach and best-selling author.  Penny founded, developed and sold her first multi-million dollar business while living in Zurich, Switzerland.  Later at the world's 4th largest Market Research company, she managed business unit turnarounds and was a Tony Robbins business coach helping business leaders and entrepreneurs around the world to build a strong leadership, a cul