John Saboe's Far East Travels

Taipei, Taiwan's Bustling Lunar(Chinese)New Year Shopping Center-Dihua Street



 Dihua Street or Grocery Street is where many residents of Taipei, Taiwan head to for stocking up on food, snacks and treats for the Lunar New Year, or Chinese New Year. I recently visited the famous shopping market just two days before New Year’s Eve. I was there to shop, sample food, indeed why many people pay a visit and talk to some Taiwanese about why they enjoy Lunar New Year.Dihua market, for most of the year is Dihua Street-a center in Taipei for traditional Chinese medicinal herbs, fabrics, incense, and Taiwanese tea processing. First constructed in 1850, it’s original name was Center Street.This is the busiest time of year for Dihua street, with extra food stalls and vendors using all kinds of tactics to get your attention. Most of which are pretty friendly.Sampling is big here and many people come just to load up on the freebies. If you’re new to the food of Taiwan it’s a great place to learn about some of the traditional snacks and newer items with ingredients that can range from peanuts to dried