John Saboe's Far East Travels

Sakura Season In Japan-Celebrating Cherry Blossoms Tokyo Style



The Japanese call them Sakura, cherry blossoms and it’s one of the most celebrated events of the year when they bloom in the Spring. Hanami, is the viewing and appreciation of the blossoms and Hanami parties can be seen in parks all across the country.When I arrived in Tokyo recently it was just a little too early for the season. The lack of Sakura didn’t stop people from starting their parties early in Ueno Park, one of the most popular Hanami spots in the city. The plum blossoms as beautiful as they were in full bloom are actually the first real sign of spring in Japan. Plum or cherry blossoms,  that’s good enough of an excuse to get the party started. During the cherry blossom season a Japanese tradition is to find a spot under a tree, spread out a plastic picnic sheet and invite family and friends to sit and enjoy the blossoms or Hanami while eating and drinking, wine, beer, sake or just about anything.I checked out some of the rest of the park including the hexagonal Bentendo temple with it’s seasonal fo