John Saboe's Far East Travels

Experiencing Tokyo's Top Attraction-Senso ji Temple, Asakusa



Senso ji is a Buddhist temple located in the  Asakusa District of Tokyo. It is the oldest temple in Tokyo dating back to 645CE. It’s one of the most popular sites to view in the city with over 30 million visitors a year. Thousands come daily to worship, pray, and eat! The Nakamise-dori is the street on approach to the temple that houses many shops. It was started in the early 18th century when locals were given permission to set up their own stores and sell goods.  In 1923 the Great Kanto earthquake destroyed many of the buildings. It was reconstructed then subsequently destroyed again during the bombings of WWll. It was rebuilt again after the war as a symbol of peace and rebirth to the Japanese people.The Hozomon or Treasure House Gate marks the entrance to the temple area. There are three large lanterns with the chochin, the largest one that hangs in the center of the gate. On either side two Nio statues, warriors that stand on guard to the temple.More from Tokyo’s Senso ji Temple but first check out what