Inspired Choices ~ With Christine Mciver, Possibilities Coach

Poverty or Wealth? Your Focus Decides with co-host Ranchelle Van Bryce



Inspired Choices with Christine McIver  Poverty or Wealth?  Well of course we all would choose wealth but are we?  Where you focus lies is what you will create...again we know this.  However most people are challenged with creating wealth and a great deal of that is based on their conscious AND subconscious focus.  This is changeable and much easier than we know. Join Christine McIver, Business Optimization Expert and her colleague and co-host Ranchelle Van Bryce as they have a vibrant sometimes mind blowing conversation about building wealth in a totally different, easeful way. Ranchelle Van Bryce is an Entrepreneurial Success Coach, International Speaker, Radio/TV & Podcast Host, and author who is magnificently obsessed with guiding women to live their best lives. She started her entrepreneurial journey as the first woman in Canada to buy a Curves (For Women) Franchise. She was blessed to own and operate 8 Curves Franchises from 2000 to 2010. Ranchelle discovered her passion for helping women, whether in th