Classic Camera Revival

Classic Camera Revival - Episode 135 - Mystery Camera Challenge V



We're going back to the Mystery Camera Challenge, only this time Alex is picking out cameras for the team from his collection and choosing cameras that will certainly challenge the folks who are used to certain types and styles of cameras. At the same time, Alex takes on a camera from John's collection. The team also discusses tips and techniques for photographing the fall colours that will be coming sooner rather than later. Cameras Featured Minolta Weathermatic 35DL, Holga 120N, Agfa Isoly Jr, Graflex Century 35 Falling for Fall While it's only the first week of September, now is the time to prepare for those fall colours in the next couple of months. You're going to start to see the sun going down earlier, making it easier for those beautiful golden hours which light up the colours of the leaves. As for the film, you will want to choose ones with a warm colour palette; for the slide film, that is Fujifilm Provia 100F; if you want something in C-41, Kodak Gold 200 or Ultramax 400 are excellent choices. Koda