The Cari Murphy Show

Sound Harmonics and DNA Activation to Integrate Your Physical Body & Light Body with Healer and former Neuroscientist Adalina East!



Are you ready to trade your traumas and toxins in for vitality, harmony and healing?Are you ready to detoxify your brain and feel clear and ready to step into your true, divine purpose in this lifetime?Are you ready for relief from chronic pain, anxiety, stagnancy, fear so you can move into a state of love as we co-create this new earth??Learn about and experience set of harmonic sound tones from Adalina and the guides and cosmic and angelic collectives she work with to powerfully address the neuronal structures in your brain to allow for a deep, transformational healing™, transmuting what is no longer serving you!Adalina finds neural pathways throughout your brain to rewire certain functions, such as eating, sleep, releasing abusive relationship patterns, overcoming addictive behaviors and letting go of old trauma and stories about yourself that have been holding you captive from your best life.Using her gifts as Spirit’s co-worker, Adalina downloads specific key codes of light and sound into your structure