Unspoiled! The Dark Tower

Song Of Susannah- Stanza 12



Hey there, Patrons! I can't believe we're almost at the end of the book already, it feels like this one really flew by. I'm hoping against hope that we get a kind of happy ending and that Susannah doesn't wind up getting completely taken over by Mia somehow. Cuz I don't like that concept one bit. This chapter we finally get to see what's been going on with Callahan and Jake. Thank goodness for The Touch, otherwise the two of them would be kinda screwed. It's really great to see them piecing everything together, and coming across the clues that Susannah left for them, but I'm not a fan of it being just Jake and Callahan, because goddamn the two of them against a whole horde of vampires and Low Men doesn't seem like great odds, now does it? Thanks so much for listening, and I will see you next week with a new episode!