Football 2 The Max

Football 2 the MAX: Cam Newton Preseason Debut, Jalen Strong Suspended



On this episode of Football 2 the MAX, Sean Garmer and Erik Watkins discuss the two games played on Thursday night’s Preseason action. How did Jay Cutler perform in his second game? Did Matt Moore fair any better? And what about the defenses on both sides? Seven turnovers might be an indication. Elsewhere, Cam Newton made his preseason debut. Blake Bortles and Chad Henne continued their quarterback battle. Did either one impress? And who’s leading that line at running back for the Carolina Panthers as well. Finally, we also get into a little bit of news. The Dallas Cowboys are thinking of starting Ezekiel Elliot in preseason game 3. Is it a good idea? And could Cooper Rush become the back-up, behind Dak Prescott? There’s also the suspension of Jalen Strong, and more.