Between Heaven And Earth

Switched On and Break Through with Nick Jankel



Aired Wednesday, 3 June 2015, 4:00 PM ETBreakthrough Biodynamics is the cutting-edge process central to Switch On and sets Nick’s work apart. At its core is the 10-step ‘Breakthrough Curve’ beginning with the disorder of (1) Problems (2) Patterns, and (3) Pain and taking us through the lived experience of breakthrough via (4) Presence (5) Peace (6) Purpose (7) Possibility (8) Power (9) Play and (10) Proactivity. Nick works through each individual step in depth, helping the reader to get unstuck, identify and let go of limiting habits and beliefs and become more conscious and mindful in each and every day. The book helps the reader find peace, heal pain and suffering and so discover and express their life purpose. Switch On shows readers how to realize their ideas and turn inspiration into action. Once understood, breakthrough can happen in minutes.About Guest Nick Seneca JankelNick Seneca is a wisdom teacher, social entrepreneur, and in-demand innovation and leadership expert with a triple First from the Univ