Get Real About Business Podcast

4 Powerful Time Management Techniques You Never Heard Of



You'd be forgiven for thinking that the biggest thing anyone ever asks a business coach about is sales or marketing. Those things are pretty high up on the list, yet never come up nearly so frequently as what we can do to be more productive. In today's episode, I share four simple to implement but highly effective time management techniques. Rather than focus on the usual kinds of things that you can find in most time management articles and blogs, I decided to share some of the most useful strategies that I've learned and are far less heard of. In lieu of the usual cheat sheet I share with these episodes, on this occasion I'm providing a "how to" video guide that walks you through the last time management technique I share. To get your hands on that video as well as any of the links I mention during this episode, go to my show notes page. It's all there for you.