Uncluttered Office with Catherine Avery

Summer Recap, Planning, and Bright Shiny Pens EP 155



Catherine starts this episode with a recap of her summer with burnout and setting some stronger boundaries particularly around work not bleeding into vacation. She explains a new work routine and how this is helping her battle the burnout. And offers up her routines around personal time. Catherine shares her realizations from a summer of truly honoring when her body and brain say enough. And how you can honor being intentionally unproductive. All of which leads up to September's theme of back to school planning but for adults! So here’s your permission to buy some bright new shiny office supplies while you get the notebooks and pens for the kids. Catherine wraps up with a preview of the guests in September, so grab that new pen and paper because it’s going to be note-taking worthy! To learn more about your host, Catherine Avery: Productivity by Design To connect with Catherine: Productivity Breakthrough Session 9 *We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising p