

This is Halloween! The Rotoscoper gang discussese Disney's cult classic Halloween-Christmas film, The Nightmare Before Christmas. Highlights: ■ The Thunder Tube! ■ News: New Disney and Pixar release dates (Phineas & Ferb, Ron & Jon 2D animated film, Untitled Pixar Film), viral website for Monsters University, The Swan Princess Christmas ■ Remember to send in your submissions for the Best of 2012 Show! ■ New game segment: Wizard’s Duel! ■ Main Discussion: Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas ■ Misconceptions: Tim Burton did not direct this film; Henry Selick did!  ■ Touchstone release, do you consider it a Disney film? ■ Hardcore Nightmare Before Christmas fans ■ Design & animation: popup book aesthetic, spindly characters ■ The beginning: starts with a rythme, not “scare-the-pants-off-of-you” scary, “This is Halloween”, fangirl witches, muppets cameo? ■ Jack Skellington: iconic Burton character, naive, eccentric genius, James and the Giant Peach cameo ■ Danny Elfman: the film's composer and singing voi