Animation Addicts Podcast - Animated Movie Reviews & Interviews For Disney, Dreamworks, Pixar & Everything In Between!

025 Renato dos Anjos Interview, Animation Supervisor on Wreck-It Ralph



In this episode, Wreck-it Ralph’s Animation Supervisor--Renato Dos Anjos--talks about his life and work at Disney Animation Studios. Highlights ■ About Renato: originally from São Paulo, Brazil and wanted to be in comic books ■ Started with Disney--it’s all about who you know ■ How did he get involved in the Wreck-It Ralph project? ■ Relationship with the director, Rich Moore ■ How Disney fills positions within the company  ■ Working with Art Director, Mike Gabriel  ■ Did Episode 10 really go through the whole animation department? YES! ...but did they like it? ■ Test screenings: The rush before and after ■ Technical achievements: how they educated the crew, glided between worlds and all the CGI challenges ■ Always go the extra mile because these movies change you ■ Award for largest cast: new friends and iconic Characters ■ Disney’s plan for staying on top: Goal #1 - Support the creative spirit. Be open, help the community, and get rid of egos. ■ Favorite scenes/work in Wreck-It Ralph? Rich Moore, animation