Leigh Martinuzzi

1050 Rebecca Babcock - Lifestyle Satisfaction



Lifestyle Satisfaction Have you ever found life has just gotten away from you? Walking a path that perhaps just doesn't feel right. I believe most of us find ourselves here at some point in life. Instead of us choosing life, life has been chosen for us. Instead of a human being, we are just humans doing. On the hamster wheel of life, it feels like the impossible to change. However, what if there was another option, a path in life that felt more fulfilling and aligned with who we truly are? In this episode with Rebecca, that's exactly the conversation we had. Guest Bio. Rebecca Babcock, Certified Executive Leadership, Life & Career Transition Coach, CCP, ELI-MP, CLDS, Keynote Speaker Following her own heroic battle with a lifelong chronic autoimmune disease and undergoing 5 life threatening surgeries in less than 3 years, Rebecca took stock of her very impressive 21 year career in sales and marketing and decided while she "had it all on paper" in reality she felt lost and unfulfilled. Looking for a way