Selling With Social - A Sales, Social Selling & Social Media Podcast

Vengreso’s 5-Year Historic Pivot Begins with FlyMSG



This HUGE Vengreso announcement couldn’t come fast enough for the world’s one billion knowledge workers. Because with stats from a recent study like 49% of knowledge workers doing repetitive tasks that take them away from strategic work, resulting in over 17.3 hours in lost productivity every week – the days of copying and pasting are finally numbered! Imagine a workplace where messages follow you in the cloud and don’t stay stuck in a Google Doc, Word Doc, One Note, Evernote, Notepad, Notebook or a draft email. A “personal writing app” that with a few keystrokes, and in a few seconds, can easily populate a message that would have taken you 3-15 minutes to find and then copy and paste. A productivity workflow that enables you to save not just an hour a day, but empowers you to consistently reclaim your energy to focus on other strategic tasks that actually move the needle in sales, customer engagement, HR, operations, marketing, etc. The great news is… You don’t have to imagine anymore because Vengreso is lea