Podcast Talent Coach

7 Experts Share The Strategy – PTC 400



For my 400th episode, I've reached out to 7 of my favorite podcasters to share the strategy they use to grow their business. THE BEGINNING This podcast actually started as a blog. After writing for a few months, Dave Jackson from School of Podcasting reached out. Dave is an amazing, generous expert in the podcasting space. I had listened to many of his episodes and knew what he was all about. One Saturday afternoon in 2013, Dave and I jumped on the phone. He told me he saw my stuff on the New Media Expo blog and liked what I was offering. Over the next hour, Dave and I talked about our past, what we were doing online and our visions for the future. We realized there were many ways we could help each other. At one point, Dave asked why I didn't have a podcast. Great question. Podcasters would probably be more interested in listening to a podcast rather than reading a blog. So, I pivoted. On that call, I decided I would launch my own show to help podcasters improve their content and give them more confidence in