Dyslexic And Un-stoppable

3 Unusual Symptoms of Dyslexia



10 Surprising Symptoms Of DyslexiaIn this episde I discuss some of the unusal symptoms of dyslexia.  As mentioned in the episode sometimes dyslexia can take the form of unusal symptoms.  Parents may be looking for reading problems or "writing backwards".  Since these may not be major features of their child's challenges, they may miss the bigger picture.  Since one of our biggest goals is to help  you "connect the dots" to realize when seemingly unrelated symptoms, might be caused by dyslexia,. in this episode we discuss 3 Unusual Symptoms of Dyslexia.To download the whole list of the 10 Most Surprising Symptoms of Dyslexia, click the link below.10 Surprising Symptoms Of Dyslexia