Mike Hosking Breakfast

Mike's Minute: Finally a sensible, practical use of money from the Govt



What a difference a day makes. 24 hours after the madcap nuttiness of paying out $800 million we don’t have, to people who may or may not reside here, and may or may not need any assistance at all, we then get the idea that we have $10,000 to get a nurse here. The cost-of-living payment is well intentioned, but oh so Labour in its delivery. In other words, it’s the usual wasteful mess dreamed up by a government that time and time again shows how little real-world experience it has. The nurse package, at least, starts off with good intentions, but also the real possibility it might play a part in solving a crisis. It would have helped if the Government had stuck nurses on the fast track to residency. It would have helped if we had opened borders quicker. It would have helped if we paid more for nurses. It would have helped if we trained more. It would have helped if we worked out that our health system generally is chronically underfunded. But given we did none of that, at