Beth Jones International Speaker

Diane Bishop, Realtor - God's Anointing for Business (Women in Biz series)



Did you know that God never intended us to use our spiritual gifts, talents, and skills just for inside the four walls of the Church? He desires that we use them for His glory and to help and bless others out in the marketplace! In this podcast episode, I interview realtor Diane Bishop about God's desire for marketplace ministry. She shares exciting stories of how she and her husband Herb Bishop use their spiritual gifts to advance God's Kingdom in their realtor business. "It's not just about selling houses, but about building relationships," she says. Join me as I interview Diane about her powerful story: a wife in a deeply troubled marriage with four kids, a mentor at church giving her life-giving words of wisdom that turned the trajectory of Diane's life, going through a divorce she didn't want, and finally marrying her soul-mate Herb and them walking in unity, experiencing God's abundant blessings. God wants to powerfully use you and your gifts, too, to make an impact in the marketplace and to shower you