

This week I spoke to my friend Carolina Mesarina. An artist with a background in production, she's currently in the midst of a career pivot, which we unpacked in this episode. After studying acting at NYU and attending grad school, she found herself on what she calls, "the other side of the call sheet": producing. We talk about her transitioning to a more creative role through the lens of Julia Cameron's term (from The Artist's Way): “Shadow Artist”. As a Creative Producer, Carolina now makes videos and visuals for brands and individuals to help them stand out. We met in New York and have collaborated creatively over the years. She’s so genuine, smart, and creative—and one of my close friends—making the episode unique. We've had many conversations about creativity, identity, money, support, feeling on the outside, procrastination, and career transitions—only this time we recorded our conversation. Show notes-Find Carolina on the Web | Instagram- Carolina was a guest on Creative Underdogs/In Process--here's a