Fyfc Studios - Fearcast

FEARCast 90 - Tom Costabile



FEAR grabs his camcorder and heads to Hell with writer/director Tom Costabile! In this episode we talk about: - Tom's adventure: Animation, Film then... Realestate? - Did he just say Jar Jar Binks? - How a good kid goes bad - The only way to go extreme is to go to Hell - The "Cole's Notes" version - Found footage and a 3D Hell - B Horror going mainstream, and we miss video stores - The disappearance of hard media; BluRay, DVD, etc - Blockbuster could have owned Netflix - The religious community is up in arms! All of them! - Making VooDoo more real with improv - Ron Jeremy enters the picture... - VooDoo wrapped on the Blood Moon and other crazy behind the scenes stuff - The study of all religion and what Hell would look like - Turns out Dani is a lying whore, so fuck her! - Sex with the Devil - Our opinions - What would the devil's dick look like? - You take the good with the bad - What's next for Tom? - Sam "Mad Sam" DeStefano... is a monster. - Make sure you check out VooDoo, you will be entertained!