Bible Study For Progressives With Rich Procida

Stop Arguing; Make Change, Part 3: Reaching Our Enemies



Are you having trouble talking to friends and loved ones, even strangers, about your political views? Do you feel nothing will change their minds? Are you frustrated by the slow pace of progress toward economic, social, and environmental justice? Dr.Karin Tamerius can help. Dr. Tamerius is the leader of Smart Politics, a group of Democrats, liberals, and other Left-leaning types who are trying to save the world by changing how we communicate with people who disagree with us, including Republicans, far-Right extremists, and MAGA supporters. Smart Politics is a progressive advocacy group committed to promoting social, economic, and environmental justice. Dr. Tamerius teaches skills for talking with Republicans and other Right-leaning folks in your natural habitat. She wrote, “We consider ourselves “bridgers” in the sense that we’re fully committed to the cause of political depolarization and support all efforts to bring folks on the Left and Right together for dialog because that’s in the best interests of the