The Dr. Mike Show

Dr. Mike Show Episode 028: The Diet Audit



Welcome to Episode 28 of the Dr. Mike Show! One of the most powerful tools that we have for changing our nutrition, habits, and body is looking at our current behaviors and improving on them. It is so tempting liquid everything that we are doing in order to adopt the “newest secret” in nutrition. This makes solidifying long term changes in our diet very difficult as we are essentially starting everything from scratch. Instead, we are better served to look at our current nutrition habits, see what is working and what needs work. I call this the Diet Audit and it will fast track your long term success with your nutrition plan. In this episode of the Dr. Mike Show I walk you through exactly how to go through the Diet Audit process. ============= Thanks for tuning into the Dr. Mike Show! If you enjoyed this episode, please head over to iTunes to leave us a rate and review. Subscribe to the show so you never miss an episode and don't forget to share your favorite episodes on social media. Be sure grab your copy o