Optimize Paleo By Paleovalley

EP283: Plant vs. Animal Protein and The Truth About Daily Requirements with Dr. Ballerstedt



According to recent research, nearly 40% of older Americans are not getting enough protein. Current protein recommendations also represent a minimum rather than an ideal protein intake and the highest quality sources of protein (animal products) are often demonized. As a result, many of us are under-eating protein which can cause a number of deleterious symptoms such as cravings, overeating, weight gain and a loss of muscle mass. Tune in to this week’s podcast with protein expert, Dr. Peter Ballerstedt, to learn all about the often-ignored nuance in the protein conversation and how you can leverage protein’s superpowers to optimize your health and feel your best. Here are some of my favorite takeaways… Why the “meat is harmful” message is dangerousThe problems with our current protein recommendations How much protein you really need Crude protein vs. true protein (and why it matters for your health!)The health benefits of plant vs. animal proteinsSymptoms of protein deficiencyHow to identify a high-qual