Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#214: Self sovereignty is connected to community care



If you’re on social media and work in the space of  entrepreneurship and/or spirituality you’ve most likely heard the term self sovereign over the past few years.    I wanted to dive a little deeper into what I feel it means and why it is directly connected to community care - because sometimes when I hear people use it, it just comes off as inherently selfish and not empowering at all.    Self sovereignty and community care are highly interconnected. The more empowering and expansive a community is, the more sovereign you become. Why is this? It’s because they teach you to use the tools and resources within you over telling you you need them (the community) and must conform to their rules and boxes to fit in.    Being sovereign is less about doing everything yourself and it's more about interacting with the world in a way that's fully you. Sometimes that means having full responsibility over yourself to help protect and ensure your freedom AND sometimes it's allowing others to do what they're great at (and l