Revival House

CE - Perfect Blue (1997) || Cinema Enema



Episode Twenty One of the "Cinema Enema" Podcast! Listen in as our boys simultaneously become red pilled on Satoshi Kon when they dive into their thoughts on his film Perfect Blue from 1997 about a pop singer who gives up her career to become an actress, but begins to slowly go insane when she starts being stalked by an obsessed fan and what seems to be a ghost of her past. 0:34:23 - Welcome 03:00:21 - [NEWS] Fear Street Debuts on Netflix, Zach gives his thoughts on it | Are we entering a 4K boom? | Metroid: DREAD cooming 18:04:08 - [RECENT WATCHES] - Zach rewatches the Maniac Cop movies on The Last Drive-In | Aaron finally watches the original Maniac | My Best Friend Is a Vampire (1987) | Blue Velvet (1986) | Disturbia (2007) | Rebel Without a Cause (1955) 40:42:16 - Aaron's recent movie purchases 54:38:17 - Perfect Blue (1997) Trailer 56:14:09 - Perfect Blue (1997) Discussion 1:53:26:00 - Outro Zach's pick for the next episode is: The Truman Show (1998) ___ Please help spread the word and leave