Video Game Choo Choo

VGCC Episode 396: Morbius Curiosity



We done did it again. This week on the pod: John's Shmuping and Touhouing (which are somehow separate things), Elvie's Ludonarraconing with some hot new demos, and Scott's Elding with a side of Staning. PLUS! Skullgirls evades potential war crimes, Ni No Fucking Thanks Kuni, Sims 4 pronoun picking, games is too old, some definitely confirmed future Multiversus characters, and EA and Microsoft continue to show us all that corporations are hell. As always, you can support us on our Patreon, and follow us on Twitter @VGChooChoo, @john_michonski, @lvmaeparian, and @scottblah. Also, don’t forget to rate and review us on iTunes, and tell a friend about the show! If you want to send in questions send them to our ask box at You can also join our Discord channel at! Our theme song is “Crush” by Melt Channel, from the album Magic is Real.