Video Game Choo Choo

VGCC Episode 401: We Huntin' Monsters.



After recovering from our epic beach trip, the Choochcast is back as John, Lorelai, and Maverick are here to talk about the huge amount of news this week and what they've been playing. John fixed his SP which means he's been playing a ton of Pokémon: Emerald while Maverick has been digging into the new Rumbleverse playtest. Lorelai has been digging into the latest Vampire Survivors patch and Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising before she and Maverick scream about how much they love Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak. In the news, Shinzo Abe got assassinated and a bunch of racist channers tricked people into blaming Hideo Kojima for it. In tragic news, Yu-gi-oh's manga creator Kazuki Takahashi died in a tragic accident. Gamestop laid off a ton more people from Game informer, Rockstar is stopping development on Red Dead Redemption and Grand Theft Auto 4 remasters because the GTA Trilogy remasters sucked and shifting everyone to Grand Theft Auto 6's Development. E3 is coming back in conjunction with ReedPop and Yuji Naka is h