The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Elandra Meredith: NZ’s Tall Poppy Syndrome. Why is withholding Love & Appreciation Seen as a Virtue?



New Zealand as a small island nation, being so far from other countries stands out - alone. Once a pioneer country pushing the boundaries of social change, science and physical acumen - it has also remained at another level comfortably numb and this interview addresses - to a degree, how could this be?     Elandra, NZer  author of “From Stardom to Wisdom: Healing & Love Beyond the Spotlight”, and upcoming book “Voices & Visions of Our New Earth”, is an  international health and healing educator trainer and practitioner. She was a top Auckland University scholar, international prizewinning dancer, model  and actress who went on to a career including co-starring with Roger Moore and Tony Curtis in London’s Hollywood. Deeply unhappy  at University she frequently contemplated suicide; her longing for transcendent wisdom was met with academic intellectualism and  “tall poppy syndrome”. Later as a movie actress in the world of celebrity, fame and fortune she was horrified by her experience of the exploitati