American Journal Of Psychiatry Audio

July 2022: Digital Intervention for Cognitive Deficits in Major Depression



Dr. Richard S.E. Keefe (Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina) discusses an article looking at an intervention for major depressive disorder that takes the form of a videogame. Afterwards, AJP Editor-in-Chief Dr. Ned Kalin discusses the July issue’s theme. Keefe interview: [01:00] What were your results? [03:13] What do videogames offer as a depression intervention? [03:43] Differences between the intervention and the control intervention [05:05] What was the impact of the interventions? [06:51] What were the limitations of the design and what might change going forward? [08:10] Does the patient’s perception of the effectiveness of the intervention matter? [09:20] How the intervention differs from a similar intervention aimed at children [10:19] Is there an advantage to “hiding” the intervention as a videogame? [11:33] Designing a game and an intervention that work simultaneously [13:27] What next for your research? [15:05] Kalin interview [16:11] Keefe et al. [16:22] Tabuteau et al. [18:15]