Physiochains Education

Lacking Motivation To Workout? JUST GET STARTED!



So, you don't feel like working out? Join the club. I work out 6 days per week. At least half of the time, I don't feel like exercising........but GUESS WHAT? Those weights won't lift themselves.......that fat won't burn itself if you're just sitting around......those magic diet pills aren't magic........nope..... All you need to do is JUST GET STARTED! Start the exercise and you'll get the ENERGY to DO the exercise. Start with 5 minutes. 5 minutes will turn into 10, 15, 20 - who knows? I speak from experience, my friends. 269# with 36% body fat 5 years ago. Today - 199# with 15% body fat. If I can do it - ANYBODY CAN DO IT! JUST GET STARTED! BEST OF ALL - YOU DON'T NEED ANY EQUIPMENT! You can workout ANYWHERE! Don't know where to start? Need help? Have questions? Take a look around this site. Email me at: - I'm here to help! JUST GET STARTED!