Lets Ask The Angels!

Angel Messages & Guidance for June 26th to July 2nd: Potential & Promise



Welcome to my show  Let's Ask the Angels on Blogtalk Radio! I am your host, Barbara Calvano, Angel  Intuitive and Life Coach of  www.bcalvanocoaching.com I will be sharing Angel  messages for June 26th to July 2nd: Potential & Promise. The card deck I will be using is the Rose Oracle by Rebecca Campbell.    Call in to the show for  messages, guidance, life coaching and energy clearing at 424-675-6837. I will be sharing the upcoming  messages for the upcoming week and taking your listener calls for  on air readings. To book a personal session with me  go to SERVICES on www.bcalvanocoaching.com WWW.BCALVANOCOACHING.COM SERVICES Purchase your session and I will contact you to set up a convenient time and date. By phone, Skype, Facetime, Zoom and  in person bcalvano-coaching@usa.net Subscribe to my email on www.bcalvanocoaching.com to stay updated on online and in person events. Follow me  here on Blogtalk radio Let's Ask the Angels and on IG at   bkiddcalvano   Barbara Kidd Calvano   FREE FULL MOON