Ambit Energy's Ambitious 50

Episode 12: Kirk Horan - Ambit Energy's Ambitious 50



Brought to you by Audible - Get a FREE Audio Book:  In this episode Kirk Horan discusses how as a young man, he lived beyond his means and had a serious health condition that changed his life. Now, thanks to Ambit Energy, he will be retiring mid 2016... As a career firefighter in Johnstown, NY, Kirk Horan has seen plenty of danger. But the biggest obstacles he faced over the past few years weren’t four-alarm fires. “I had seven years on the job when I was diagnosed with an aortic aneurysm,” says Kirk. “I was only 31, and they told me my career as a fireman was over and I could die.” When they got the news, Kirk’s wife Trisha was a stay-at-home mom, caring for their sons Justin and Adam – who was only four days old. “This turned our world upside down. As a fireman, I have always worked two or three extra jobs to have the things we had. When that second income was lost, being out of work, we were building a load of debt. After a 12-hour surgery, it took Kirk a year to recover. The fir