Ambit Energy's Ambitious 50

Episode 13: Coach Alan Johnston - Ambitious 50 Episode 13



Brought to you by Audible - Get a FREE Audio Book:  In this episode of Ambit Energy's Ambitious 50, we talk to Coach Alan Johnston about his transition from high school basketball coach to Million Dollar Income Earner & Executive Consultant with Ambit Energy. D Executive Consultant Alan Johnston coached basketball at a high school in Tyler, Texas. His father was a school administrator and his mother was a classroom teacher, so education is in his blood. Yet, Alan says, “It’s a thankless job, financially.” So he’s done all kinds of things during the summers to supplement his income, including hauling hay and mowing yards. “I’ve always known you have to put money back,” he says, to save for the future. “But I’ve watched as my 403(b) went to nothing, and about four years ago I quit opening those envelopes.” Other sponsors:  Grasshopper - The Entrepreneur's Phone System  99designs - Logo Designs -  Subscribe by texting the wor