Permaculture Velocity | Homesteading Skills You Can Use

Ditching Urban Life



After a multiyear hiatus, Soirée is back and switched things up. Permaculture Velocity is now Soirée with The Sauce. In this episode I share why we moved to rural Tennessee from San Diego and some of the big considerations if you are thinking about ditching the urban grind and moving to the country. Try a Podcasting 2.0 Certified app: Podfriend - Breez - Sphinx - Podstation - Curiocaster - Fountain Thank you Mara Jane King for suggesting “the sauce” as that spurred the podcast name change that was long overdue. xoxo The sauce isn’t really a saucy sauce but a tasty, umani punch of flavor, dry seasoning blend of dehydrated natto, sesame seeds, chili pepper, salt, and sichuan peppercorns inspired by douchi from Mara's travels with Sandor in China. Watch the eight films from their trip People's Republic of Fermentation with filming by Mattia Sacco Botto. Later back in Tennessee, after their most excellent trip, (seriously watch the films!) I watched as Mara lovingly pulverized the ingredients in a mortar and pes