Dyslexic And Un-stoppable

Dyslexic AND UN-Stoppable Quick Tip - Talk To Your Child's Teacher



http://www.dyslexicandunstoppable.com/3stepsIt's the end of the school year.  Summer is just around the corner.  Some kids are feeling a little spring fever.  However this is about the time that some parents are getting that phone call from the school that their child may not be able to progress to the next grade.How can you make sure you don't get that call?  Take preemptive action.  Call your child's teacher now.  Find out how your child is progressing.  Make a plan to work on any weaknesses.  The goal is to make the transition to next school year as smooth as possible.To check out the fee video series we mention, "Three Steps When Your Smart Child Is Struggling In School", visit http://www.dyslexicandunstoppable.com/3steps