Kevin Whitsitt

Which is Better NFT or DeFi in Crypto?



Click on the link below for more... NFT's and DeFi are both are both areas in crypto that I'm very bullish on in the long run. I know recently crypto has been hammered bad, but I'm thinking much more long-term.   I really wanted to talk about both of them.   The reason I’m so bullish on DeFi, (decentralized finance) is due to it giving competition to banks. For example, Why did El Salvador adopt Bitcoin as currency?  One reason was reduced fees on transferring money from other countries to El Salvador. Oh, and it’s faster and can be done 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Another reason is 70% of the population is unbanked.   Crypto is one way someone can store value using their phone. They don’t have to put cash under the mattress or in a bank and fill out a bunch of forms.  When it comes to banks there are 3 types… Regular Banks Fintech such as Paypal.  DEFI  A BIG reason DeFi is powerful is due to overhead. In business, overhead is