Solo Parent Society

3 Keys to Practicing Self Love



Some of us think that self love is only self serving. An incorrect belief that in order to parent well, our kid's needs come before our needs, and often we over compensate. The problem is, we can't give what we don't have. Often we spend so much time focusing on other people we don't spend enough time loving and caring for ourselves. Self Love if often viewed as a reward or a special treat we give to ourselves... but it goes far beyond that. Love is an activity not a quality. Loving yourself requires more than just a mindset, it requires action. 3 keys to practicing self love can be broken into the following steps. 1. Mindset Reset We have to start resetting how we view self love. Understanding that loving ourselves well brings value to how we love our kids. Self love = loving our kids It requires committing to making this a priority Give grace, not putting so much pressure on ourselves - be patient - a mind reset wont happen overnight TRY THIS - Right notes on bathroom mirror - reminding of who we are / our