Solo Parent Society

Cultivating peace at home



Single parents can face a lot of chaos at home with their kids. Whether with siblings fighting, the struggle to maintain routine, or trying to calm the troops when everyone is tired or hungry, some days can feel like a pressure cooker. Our fuses can get short and our attitudes can escalate. What can we do, as single parents, to cultivate more peace at home, for ourselves and our kids? We all want a peaceful environment at home but that can be difficult to create and to maintain while juggling so many things. We want our kids to have a sense of normalcy even with the messiness of being parented alone for anyone reason. As parents, it is up to us to take responsibility for cultivating peace at home. We set the mood with our kids. For the full show notes, tips and links click - To receive a free SPS Welcome Toolkit with links to groups, info and a free book click - Join our daily meditational dev