Solo Parent Society

Green Beret, Scott Mann: The Courage to Face Myself



Courage is an important topic so it’s appropriate to have an expert on the topic join us today, a decorated Green Beret whose story of facing himself, his shortcomings, his doubts and all of the things is a perfect way for us to focus on this week's topic, which is finding the courage to face myself.  We know we need to own our stuff, but it takes courage to face it. And that is precisely why this conversation is so important. None of us like admitting mistakes and faults. It's hard to face the times that we have fallen short.  A lot of times, especially for single parents, if you've gone through a divorce, it's so easy to blame the other person rather than admit, “Hmm, maybe I have some stuff I've got to work on.”  Our guest today is Scott Mann who spent 23 years in the United States Army, 18 of those as a Green Beret. He specialized in high-impact missions all over the world, including Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Panama, Iraq, and Afghanistan. He appears frequently on CNN, Bloomberg Fox, Fox new