Solo Parent Society

When Hope Looks Different Than We Expect



For many of us, Christmas has always been something that we look forward to—especially being parents. But being a single parent, after going through a divorce, never having been married, or after losing a spouse to death, holidays can open up wounds that we may never have even thought were there. So, we want to spend some time this month focusing on those wounds and trying to re-orient ourselves back to the meaning and intent of the season. To try to make it the most meaningful experience we can. As difficult as the seasons can be for us, they can be very confusing and challenging for kids, so how can we make the most of this Christmas season, both for ourselves and our kids. This month as we talk about holidays and Christmas, we take time to focus on Advent. As we know, it is broken into four traditions, Hope, Love, Joy, and Peace. ADVENT, by definition a time of ‘expectant waiting’ - which doesn’t sound fun - nobody likes to wait… But there can be hope, even found in waiting. So today, we focus on the first