Solo Parent Society

Ann Voskamp - Peace



So we’ve just made it past another Christmas, we’re headed right into a brand new year, and for many of us single parents, this final topic of Advent, PEACE, can be very far from something that we feel regarding the future. Especially living in the days that we’re living in right now today. So we are incredibly honored to have a guest that we quote with us all the time, and through her writing and speaking, she has had a lot to say about this topic. Our guest this week is Ann Voskamp. She is the author of five NY TIMES best-selling books, including ‘One Thousand Gifts’, which has sold over a million copies and been translated into more than 22 languages. Ann is Mom to seven, wife to a farmer and as Kim will be first to point out is Canadian. In this episode, we discuss how to find peace amidst loss and walking into the unknown, among many other things. For the detailed show notes, tips and links visit Receive a free SPS Welcome Toolkit with links to groups, info and a free book. Join our