Dr. Joe Tatta | The Healing Pain Podcast

Episode 280 | The Power Of Peer Support And Group Learning In Chronic Pain Recovery With Amber Richard Bauer, PT, DPT



We are discussing the power of peer support and group learning and chronic pain recovery. My expert guest is Dr. Amber Richard Bauer. Amber is a doctor of Physical Therapy focusing on Chronic Pain Recovery and Pain Education. She's also a certified instructor for Empowered Relief and a facilitator for mental health ten-week virtual pain care program. Amber uses elements of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Pain Neuroscience, Education, and Mindfulness paired with her knowledge as a Physical Therapist to help clients recover from chronic pain and return to living meaningful lives.   Amber is a lifelong dancer and a believer in the power of the mind-body connection to heal from chronic pain, trauma, as well as illness. In this episode, you will learn about the benefits of group training for people with chronic pain, why it's important for people with pain to get support from other people, dealing with a similar condition, and the role of a licensed health professional in facilitat