Pushermania Network Podcasts

Talk So Real with Matt Sonzala: Serg - Season 2 Episode 8



Oh man this is a very special episode and has been literally a couple years in the making. If you know anything about my history, you know that Serg taught me everything that I know about the internet. He had a blog before me and did a podcast before I really understood what a podcast was. The man has always been ahead of his time and is one of my main dudes in this world. On this episode we get into some really real talk, that may or may not get us cancelled. Listen, if you haven't cancelled Serg yet, don't do it on account of this. It's just a couple dudes talking about things. We meant to do this in February of 2020 but didn't get around to it. Serg was my last house guest before Covid shut us all down. Back then it was just known as Coronavirus, and we were laughing it off watching reggaeton videos that we should have taken more seriously (I wish I remembered the name of the reggaeton coronavirus song that predicted EVERYTHING, but I don't). Here you will finally get the definitive review and analysis of