Tribe Byron Bay

Episode 82: Liz Flipo - Prayer: Fire and Fragrance - 15 August 2021



Today’s message from Liz is about the fire and the fragrance and how important they are to our prayer life individually and corporately. Drawing from a prophetic picture the Lord gave Liz, comes a model for the house of prayer. Our lives are like incense ascending to His throne. We become a great picture of His heart as our homes or households become individual houses of prayer. The work that Jesus does in our lives, of transforming us by the fire, produces such a sweet fragrance and incense that goes to His throne. As we yield to Him as a “burnt sacrifice” His Holy Spirit breathes on it and produces something of beauty. The importance of getting healed is so we can carry more of Him to others. He is amazing! He takes the dead wood in our lives and with His fire burns off the judgements, attitudes and wounds that need to go, so we can display His love and glory on the earth. Through the prayer room or houses of prayer, we are becoming portals where we bring heaven down to earth. The fire and the fragrance ris