Honor The Feminine Podcast

Ep 64 ~Krystal Kinnunen ~ The Gong Plays Me



Visit www.honorthefeminine.com Come back in time with me to 7 years ago when I was facing the last year of mom’s life while I was also separating from my daughter’s father. Have you ever gone through time where challenges were thrown at you from every direction?  The grief was immense. It was so overbearing I couldn’t tell what I was grieving at times. My heart ached so deeply I could feel it all the way into my back. There were days I would lay on the floor and sob uncontrollably.  I remember laying in bed, feeling like I wanted to die. I even contemplated checking myself into a place. I just wanted a break. It was too much. I was in my first year of Chinese Medical School, while learning how to be a part time single parent. It was a lot. My whole foundation was taken out from underneath me.  A few days after my mom passes away,our divorce was finalized. At first, it was hard for me to adjust as my former husband entered into a new relationship, but I ultimately did too.When I look back now, I see it all set