Success Smackdown Live With Kat

Listening Outside Of You So Hard You Can’t Hear Within



This episode is the reminder back to soul I feel we all need to hear around tuning back into you! Are you listening to everyone and everything outside of you so much so that you can’t hear what it is your soul is wanting to say?   This would have to be one of the most common things that has pulled me off path throughout my time in business. That is, looking for the way outside of me. I’m sure you can definitely relate to having done this.  Usually it’s because we seek the how to something we are yet to achieve ourselves, so we look at who has and how they have done it. This is all well and good as long as you come back to what it is you know to be real and true for you!   Because here’s how it works - The more you listen outside of you, then the more by definition, that it can’t be occurring inside of you. And as a leader, messenger and creator you know that deep down, you’re here to pave the way. Check out this episode will reach deep into your soul and give you the tools and motivation to trust yourself