Is This Podcast Paleo? Crossfit, Food, Lifting And Paleo For Real People

#78 – “How Paleo Are You?” Junk-Food Keto, Spring Cleaning, Competitions You Won’t Win, Echelon Front, Ownership in Coaching and Management, Being Yourself, and Living DIet to Diet.



We’re back, baby! Topics include: Spring cleaning. Is ketosis a sneaky way to indulge? Signing up for competitions that you won’t win. Setting new goals in CrossFit. Everett heads to NYC for the Echelon Front Ownership Weekend. Taking ownership in coaching and management. Being yourself. The shift in Paleo from dogmatic to customized. The 80/20 rule and ‘cheat days’. Ketosis vs Really Low Carb Moderators vs rule followers. Check our Kristin’s blog post about her experience with the Bigness Project. Don’t forget about our awesome sponsor!! Catch up with Kristin at or @TheGirlWithTheButter. Get more from Everett at or @PaleoFatKid This episode is brought to you by PureWOD. PureWOD offers high quality, junk-free, additive-free, dairy-free protein, pre workout, and more. We’re loving the GREENS Micronutrient Powder. Filled with 14 servings of organic fruits and vegetables, like alfalfa leaf, wheatgrass, barley grass, broccoli, cabbage, kale, spirulina, pineapple, blackberr